I hereby suspend my “no meme” policy for this bit of viral amusement:
1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.
1.~How did you meet stacina? TES, back at Bond Street
2.~What would you do if you had never met edgykitten? Wonder who the hell Eileen and Theresa were talking about
3.~What do you honestly think of phoenixstar21? Michelle’s her mom, or so I hear,
4.~Would or did impgrrl and
brehen go out? If they do, I want videeo, Pook.
5.~Have you ever liked sweetcandymike? From the day I met him
6.~If njlexi died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? That things had better be in order when I get there.
7.~Would catelynn and
sirkenandsubg make a good couple? I don’t think so.
8.~Describe boakamasterj in 3 words: Big stone Daddy
9.~Do you think redhead_sue is hot? She has a killer smile. Killer.
10.~Would njlexi and
ladyd103 make a lovely couple? Heh. Yes, yes they would. And things would be very organized
11.~What do you think of when you see brehen? :grins: Terror looks good on pretty faeries
12.~Tell me something humiliating about sirkenandsubg: I have no idea. Dammit.
13.~Do you know any of bratticus_finch‘s family members? No
14.~What’s teediggy‘s favorite color? No clue
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is mostglorious? 8
16.~What would you do if salsuginous just professed their undying love for you? Make her pay, and pay, and pay forever. You know- like you do.
17.~What language does impgrrl speak? A hybrid of diplomantic and blunt force trauma
18.~Who is snugs50 going out with? Her Sir, if that counts.
19.~Is teediggy a boy or a girl? Girl.
20.~Would boymeat and
salsuginous make a good couple? Heh- not if he wants to live.
21.~Who do you think soulhuntre_lj would be great with from this list? Sweet candy Mike. Or Lady D… I’d like to see that.
22.~When was the last time you talked to redhead_sue? TES – a hello at Meet the Candidates
23.~What is sweetcandymike‘s favorite band? Blue Oyster Cult – “More cowbell!”
24.~Does catelynn have any siblings? Don’t know
25.~Would you ever date bratticus_finch? It would not be wise.
26.~Would you ever date boakamasterj? Soviergn House would never have me- too much class.
27.~Is soulhuntre_lj single? Not even a little.
28.~What is teediggy‘s last name? Umm…”Tee”?
29.~What is boymeat‘s middle name? “Meatwad”
30~What is phoenixstar21‘s fantasy? Modesty forbids my saying
31.~Where does teediggy live? The village, in an awesome brownstone
32.~Would you make out with stacina? She’d never have it. Besides, I have noplace to hide a body right now.
33.~Are edgykitten and
bratticus_finch best friends? Not that I am aware
34.~Does boakamasterj like
teediggy? I believe so.
35.~How did you meet boymeat? Presenting together at TES, long ago,
36.~Is redhead_sue older than you? I doubt it
37.~Is ladyd103 the sexiest person alive? I’m sorry, no- thats Bo. He’s dreamy.
4 responses to “I like this one.”
“Would njlexi and ladyd103 make a lovely couple? Heh. Yes, yes they would. And things would be very organized.”
Very true. Of course, we would probably kill each other over the right way to organize the spice cabinet. (though, i do love my Mama D)
Does catelynn have any siblings? Don’t know
You were in one of my siblings home. I have 2 others all younger.
17.~What language does impgrrl speak? A hybrid of diplomantic and blunt force trauma
I love it!