A Softer World

My house burned down

I lost everything


It feels better every time.

-A Softer World


14 responses to “A Softer World”

  1. SO – I took a look at the link you posted. I stopped reading them pretty quickly. If I kept reading them, I think I would have to commit suicide. They’re just too raw. Guess I’m a wuss after all.

  2. Wow.

    That shows a drastic difference in how we process… i find most of them funny, and charmingly disturbing. Like a rorscharch test, too, some- like the one i posted- seem significant and meaningful.


  3. Re: Wow.

    That shows a drastic difference in how we process…

    and this surprises you? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. That one was just kinda wierd silly, for me.

    Too many of them though, really draw me in way too intensely. I’m not sayin’ they’re not great art – actually, they are – to have that effect. But yeah – too many of them hit raw nerves. Reading them is like a really intense scene. Sometimes that’s good – but it’s good to have the dom around as backup, making sure you come back out. I could see these drawing me in and just never coming back out.

  5. Regardless if I “like” a piece or not, I’m always impressed with art that causes me to feel something–even if it is striking an uncomfortable nerve.

    I think maybe I like them because I’m jealous of how uncomfortable they make me. It’s something that I want to strive for with my photography, but I am a long way off from reaching it yet.

  6. That was great. I just lost like an hour of work looking at that (and so did my coworkers). Thanks for posting that.

  7. ah, the coverletters are priceless… through the long exhausting job search, I started writing cover letters just to entertain myself.