The wheels of progress grind dreadfully slow…..

But at  least they are turning again.

The Swamp Witch and her plump, tasty kidneys are due here on the 23rd, her first appointment on the 25th. Now comes the nerve wracking process of clearing her... one bad test result, and this is all smoke.

So- I have more time to do and more risks ahead… but I’m that much closer.

On another note- Sweeney Todd was freaking marvelous.


4 responses to “The wheels of progress grind dreadfully slow…..”

  1. It is a world…

    Chock full of tasty kidneys. The critical thing, the only thing that couldn’t be >managed< was if you, yourself, were ineligible. With that behind us now it's the same problem we have handled so well and so often…

    Finding a victim.

  2. On another note- Sweeney Todd was freaking marvelous.

    I just saw it. Like, *just* got home. It’s official – I must have the soundtrack for my car, and I *must* own this movie. I’m all hot-n-bothered over it. Yum.

  3. Good luck on the test results!

    So, we just saw Sweeney Todd – things I liked about it: the sets, the costumes, the acting, and how *cruel* it was. Things I hated about it: the music. A few songs stood out as great, but whereas most musicals have a couple of really bad songs (and this is what I hate about musicals), this one had more than a few. So I only gave it one thumbs-up instead of two.