Evil is easy, and comes in infinite forms.
If they don’t like it, fuck ’em. I have never been ashamed of how I live, and I’m sure as fuck not going to start now. It looks like the…
Violent Love
It made me wonder: “How do scorpions fuck without killing each other?” The answer of course, is- often, they don’t. Males and females find each other by vibration, scent and…
Meisterwereke In Stahl
DOVO Raisermesser sind im Vergleich zu modernen Klingenapparaten bis auf wenige Ausnahmen aus einem schnitthaltigen, jedoch nicht rostgeschutzem Stahl und bedurfen sorgfaltiger Pfledge, d.h. sie sind nach Gebrauch stets zu…
ter·ri·ble adj
1. Causing great fear or alarm; dreadful: a terrible bolt of lightning; a terrible curse. 2. Extremely formidable: terrible responsibilities. 3. Extreme in extent or degree; intense: “the life for…
New Years Day
New Years is one of my Holy days. It’s the day of my Mother, of death and rebirth. And true to form, that’s exactly what it was. It’s like a…
New Years Wisdom:
If you hosted a New Year’s party, well, you are probably still wading through flaming pizza boxes, empties of every descripton, unconcious guests, and peeling dried condoms off the walls.…