I don’t know if this is going to work…

To put it simply, my needs to keep my environment structured and control my blood sugar seems to be directly at odds with what my boss needs friom an employee.

Trying to do what he needs is not making me feel to good.

I don’t know what to do.


7 responses to “I don’t know if this is going to work…”

  1. work-

    Sadly, Lo- it’s more complicated than that. I can’t go off the sales floor too check my blood, but I can’t do it out front; the physical demands are irregular and occasionally severe… The list could go on, but what it comes down to is this: He needs someone flexible- very flexible. I don’t think I can do that. If I don’t watch my blood, it gets high and I get spacy and stupid, this leads to errors. If I do, he does not like my being away, or want to know that maybe lifting crates isn’t the best idea right now, or that going to lunch at wildly varying times every day (when he says so) is bad in a way he’ll never understand.

    I wanted to get a structured environment out of this in order to get my diabetes under better management; I’m afraid this is not it.

    It was so hard to get any work at all right now. I was unemployed for months. I’m really afraid of going back to that desperate horror again.

  2. Re: work-


    I assume you’ve tried talking to him.

    There’s some legal issues (ADA) but I doubt you’d want to go in that direction.

    Can you start looking for something new asap?

    I know how awful it is to deal with unemployment — especially if it’s long term. But nothing is worth sacrificing your health.

  3. When you come to TES for your presentation, bring your resume and I’ll resubmit it to my neighbor. See if that helps any, I’ll also be bringing you some more books.

  4. Re: work-

    I’m sure you already know that your health is MORE important than any job.

    That said…

    Could there be a compromise of sorts if you lay it on the line with your boss. Tell him that you like working for him and that you want to continue but at the same time not at the cost of your health.

    Perhaps with a plan in place he will see that the things you need to do don’t take that much time and that it would make you a better employee for him in the end.

    In the mean time not totally sure what type of work you are looking for, but if you want to send your resume, or give me an idea what type of work you are looking to do, i know that a few of Master’s friends and the company Master works for as well are all highering for various positions. So maybe there is a job to be found in one of those spots. And all the companies i am speaking of are located in Manhattan.

    Hang in there. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Please know that I am not saying this lightly…jobs are hard to come by…start looking and if it doesn’t get any better, leave…soon….

    Uncontrolled diabetes is very dangerous…

  6. Fuck him.

    I mean, ride the rocket as far as it will take you, but do what you have to do for your health and let him swing. Letting this slide when you were 20 might have been OK but you have to keep this under control to hit your other goals.

    Let him get a bit testy. Then remind him your disease may entitle you to certain legal avenues if some agreement can’t be reached. It won’t really come to that because you won’t want to play that card but it will take him weeks to get it together.

    If he DOES fire you, apply for unemployemnt… start documenting his comments and incidents about the diabeties. Ask him to put down in a formal complaint letter (he wont do it if he is smart) his problems with hwo this is going. Use it to prove that he fired you for a incorrect cause later to get paid.

    In short, I think this little interlude is going to end… take it for what it’s worth, get the $$$ you can but don’t let this idiot eat you up inside.

    Maybe we shoudl hook you up with an artists fund – like a grant ๐Ÿ™‚ That guy with all the ???? on his suit says they govt is giving money away ๐Ÿ™‚