
Someone i love very, very much is in hell.

There is not really anything I can do.

I am afraid of how this is going to turn out.

I am am afraid for her, and i am afraid of losing her.

I am afraid.


3 responses to “Afraid.”

  1. Send her this message.
    The one you wrote here.
    Based on previous posts of yours I am guessing that she probably feels your presence powerfully no matter how ‘with her’ you are in a concrete, on the ground level.
    Remind her of that.
    Remind her that where ever you are you can still bear witness.
    That you can still communicate powerful connection in the stillness.
    I suspect that in the end there is very little that can compete with that. I also suspect that you already know this.
    I bet she does too.
    Good thoughts to you and yours.

  2. There is not really anything I can do.

    You can whisper in her ear. There is power in your words. You know there is. I expect she does too.