You have to mean it

Back at Bond Street, there I gave a Mindfucks presentation. It went well, and afterward, Master Jim met me in the lobby, and asked “Flagg, how can someone who knows you- trusts you enough to play with you- ever be really scared? I mean, with a knife… they know you are not going to kill them. How can they really be scared?”

I use Innuendo for personal, life effecting stuff; I intend to use this LJ as a BDSM/ Scene communication tool/ journal. So, predictably, the very first thing I want to write about falls squarely between the two.

So, I’ll post it on Innuendo . It at least gives me the illusion of keeping these things… “discreet”? I suppose because Innuendo is my site, my domain- I figure there I can post any damn thing I want, and it won’t automatically show up on someone else’s friends list. Nobody has to read it if they don’t want to.

If you are on the elist I run – Absolute BDSM– you have already seen this, in pretty much this form. If not, you are welcome to take a look- but it’s more personal than most LJ chatter, and I think I should keep that division.

Everybody here is a big kid. I figure you can all draw whatever lines you want to, and ride whatever ride you are tall enough for.

I thought about it a second, and said the only thing that could really explain something much bigger- and much darker- than I was ready to try to explain.

“Jim’ I said, “You have to mean it.”


2 responses to “You have to mean it”

  1. Oh my goodness…oh, my goodness…*big breath*…oh, my goodness…

    *nice to see you again..*S*

  2. Where the Bad Things are…

    And you, little Faerie of the Dawn. Good to see you. Thank you kindly for the invitation. (“Enter freely and of your own will, and leave behind some of the happiness you bring.” )My time with you was one of the highlights of a good weekend.

    ( I know it was. I could smell it on you even then. But I’ll keep your secrets. I always do. Shhhhhhhhhh…)

    When you come back to visit your Sir, come see me again.
    I’m sure you can find the sign on the door.

    “She’s full of secrets…”
    The Little Man From Another Place – Twin Peaks