Ho Ho Ho

Dear Santa…

Dear Santa,

This year I’ve been busy!

In February I gave hrhcourtney a wet willie, then I took it back (-5 points). In June I turned babalon_it in for farting in church (3 points). In August I bought porn for teediggy (-10 points). In July I set soulhuntre_main‘s puppy on fire (-66 points). In May irishlass5383 and I donated clothes to the needy (11 points).

Overall, I’ve been naughty (-67 points). For Christmas I deserve a lump of coal!


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4 responses to “Ho Ho Ho”

  1. GARRRRGggggghhh

    This has nothing to do with your post, really. I’m tangenting…but…

    I’ve only heard the song (unfortunately) a couple of time (too many) and now every time I see the word “lump” I think of that god awful Black Eyed Peas song.

    It makes me mad even thinking about it. Somebody should smack the crap outta whoever ok’d the idea to use the phrase “lovely lady lumps” in a song (or any other medium for that matter).