Must be seen to be believed:

OK, one last video….
This is footage from a Phillipine prison yard, where the Warden has…. alternate rehabilitation ideas.
The best part of this is knowing it’s happening at gunpoint.


6 responses to “Must be seen to be believed:”

  1. you can’t help but wonder if the poor ‘girl’ is a volunteer…and if the guns had to be used to put a stop to the final ‘attack’

    thank you for again making me question the darkness within.

  2. I suspect…

    … that it did wonders for his popularity. Queen of the Prom, come shower time.

  3. Re: I suspect…

    that slapping sound echoing off the tile…the water muffling the grunts…the pinkish spilloff…

    i wonder if he gets a tiara?

  4. We watched this a few months ago when a friend hosted a Zombiepalooza party. We also found … this. If you can imagine Michael Jackson and Devo dropping acid and going to Bollywood, you don’t need to watch it.