Cracking the Code

 After my surgery, I wrote furiously to keep myself sane while I dealt with rehab. I worked on a project I had started in 2006, in another rehab, after a previous string of – eventually useless- surgeries.

Then I came home, and everything changed. Exhaustion, depression, pain, anxiety and desperation, profound feelings of isolation and a loss of my sense of self all compounded to make life suck for a while. No reading. No writing. No sleep. No peace.

Today I started writing again. The block finally broke, the code unfurled and it all – just -flowed.

First, I am shocked to see how close The Forked Tongue – A Guide to Treating People Badly is to completion. It won’t be huge- but it’s nothing that’s been addressed before.

I suspect a lot of the right people are not going to like it.


 I think it’s going to matter.


6 responses to “Cracking the Code”

  1. I can’t wait.

    Then again, I’ve never been right.

    At least not in the head.

    Happy for you, and your flow.

  2. I”m really glad for you! I’ve really been enjoying coming over to be around and talk with you. It always makes me very happy when I make you smile or laugh. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad you are better spirits and you are doing well. ๐Ÿ™‚

    You might want to link PIP in your header. ๐Ÿ™‚ I just noticed you had links up there! :0

  3. Funny, that! I just recently (in the past few days, looking for an old working file of the TES-Fest logo) stumbled across The Forked Tongue – A Guide to Treating People Badly and started to read it again.

  4. I am so glad to hear you are writing again. I’d wondered if the flow had stopped. You have a gift in your writings.

  5. that is awesome!

    To have you not creating is a crime of nature.

    I don’t know if i am one of the ‘right people’ – but i cannot imagine not appreciating something you have done – no matter how much therapy is involved later.

    so glad to feel your energy again –
