There is a space…

… next to my bed, where my Animal used to sleep.

We talked tonight, for the first time in… whenever. Not exchanged news and pleasantries, we’ve done that. We said things that had been hanging unsaid. She made me laugh. She made me miss her. She made me fondly relive some of the best things about us, the best times we had together, the best things that we were.

And we accepted where we are now.

I have regret. I have pride. I have a deep and abiding glow deep in me remembering the best, acknowledging the worst, and just, finally, being ourselves.

From all over my life faraway signals have come, telling me that they can feel me, that when I woke again they knew it. Some from far, far away. Some I’ve never met.

But they all missed me, they all welcomed me back. And so did she.

Tonight I can look at that space by my bed, and be at peace.

Goodnight, Animal.
Pleasant dreams.


5 responses to “There is a space…”

  1. I’ve met you in passing. I don’t know your Animal. Yet I find this entire posting strangely comforting. I don’t know why.

  2. I know I for one felt you wake up.
    I’m glad you are finding everyone again and finding peace.


  3. Closure is a very important thing. I am glad you have it now. The leaps and bounds that I have seen you make recently have made me proud and done my heart good.

  4. Closure is always a wonderful thing – I am sure she is at peace as well.

    and yes…many, many missed you and I for one cannot imagine any of them not welcoming you back; whether as a friend, cohort, mentor or dark whisper in the back of the mind that feeds the darkness we try to hide.

    Welcome back Flagg Sir – from one you have never met.